Five Rescued Dogs to the Rescue
Date & Time
Friday, September 27, 2019, 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
A rescued dog is a powerful bridge to reaching children. He is a living example of overcoming one's past, and demonstrates that even the most wounded or voiceless among us is important and has something important to contribute. Rescued dogs have the ability to reach even the most shut down child with unconditional love and comfort. But it is through their stories that may be similar to the children that the real connection and teaching begins. Healing Species brings 5 of our therapy dogs to teach how through their own healing they are now an example of perseverance, courage, loyalty, leadership and empathy. The connection between empathy and prosocial behavior has been well documented; those who consider the feelings of others are far less likely to commit violent or aggressive acts. Through the assistance of rescued dogs, dogs nobody else wanted, the presentation will detail how counselors and teachers can use literature or even the presence of a rescued dog to teach children a process from which to understand and overcome abuse, neglect and grief while teaching life skills in self -esteem, conflict resolution, anger management, respect for the feelings of others and gaining success through acts of compassion and responsibility instead of returning "violence for violence".
Session Type
Breakout Session