Quick Tips to Make Your Life Easier and to Decrease Challenging Behavior in the Classroom
Date & Time
Friday, September 27, 2019, 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
All staff can benefit from additional tools in their tool kits. Reinforcement is great, but how do you reinforce one student's behavior while managing a group and doing other tasks? You know you are supposed to avoid power struggles, but how do you actually avoid them? How can you set up your environment to make everyone successful? What can you do to keep yourself from getting hurt, and many more topics will be covered. Using principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports, this presentation is designed to provide attendees with skills they can take back to their environments and implement immediately. Practical strategies that can be used with students of all ages and with varying abilities will be reviewed.
Session Type
Breakout Session